manroland Goss web systems Americas


Data is in abundance today but until now, most of us lacked the tools we needed to drill down into information that we could use.  Maintellisense is the latest industrial diagnosis tool from manroland Goss that enables you to better understand risk, equipment performance, and opportunities to improve.

Using the data from your equipment, we identify critical alarms and changes in trends that if left unattended, could result in component failure and equipment downtime.  An easy-to-use dashboard prioritizes alarms and events along with instructions on how to diagnose or repair the issue.

First-down reports and other statistical data can be used to track performance trends or areas where you have performance inhibitors.  Down codes are prioritized by relevance to allow you to quickly identify your greatest potential for performance improvement.

Statistical data is also collected to provide canned or custom reports, allowing you to track overall operational performance and identify areas where you can improve by benchmarking yourself to customized key performance indicators.

Service Solutions

Proactive services and service-level-agreements that keep you equipment in peak condition.
Periodic rebuilds of your equipment to resolve wear and tear and restore performance.
Service and repairs of industrial and facilities equipment.
Rigging, installation, commissioning, and reconfiguration of used assets.
Targeted development or ongoing education for mechanics, electricians, engineers, and operators.
Leading Industry 4.0 and iOT solutions to keep you running and performing.

Work With A Leader

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